1.I think Doritos definitely smell like dirty socks...and I still love them? I have no excuse for myself
2.Can't stay awake through a movie if life depended on it.
3.Like dogs and children better than adults.
4.Camping is roughing it because I have to use a public restroom.
5.I am afraid of boy children, they pee outside and other strange, unexplainable behavior.
6.Love the neighborhood rooster, hate butterflies. They scare the beegeebers out of me.
7.My dream car has been a 15 passenger van for about the last 10 years. When did I get old?
8.When I started babysitting, I thought children had a funny smell. I guess my house smells like that...eek.
9.My favorite cat belongs to Aerika.
10. The first characteristic I notice is toes. I love toes.
11.I love to read so much that I have to plan before I pick up a book because I become instantly irresponsible.
12.I'm getting wrinkles and it doesn't make me happy but I secretly love my gray hair.
13.I have to think before I make a capital J because I always want to write them backwards.
14.My favorite hobby is the grocery game.
15.There are 11 kids in my house right now and it makes me happy.
16.The biggest fight I have had to solve today was whether you have to close your eyes to play dead.
17.I have had an overdue library book for a very long time. I really should take it back before I really do loose it.
18.If I could live anywhere in the world it would be Kawaii. Did I mention I love the neighborhood rooster?
19.The kindest gift a friend has given me was when she invited me in her house and opened all her closets so I could see everyone's house has a mess somewhere.
20.My favorite time of day is just before dawn when the birds get really happy.
21.My father said he always knew I would live on a farm but never thought it would be in the house.
22.I really want to learn how to play the bassoon someday. It is my favorite instrument.
23.If there is one thing that will make me fall in love with Damon all over again it is when he sings with my children.
24.Some scariest moments when I was a kid were when I tried to sleep in the cabin out in the field and coyotes were singing. Should I stay out there and get eaten or run to the house and get eaten on the way there?
25.I write with my toes and it looks better than when I write with my right hand.